MineRL BASALT Competition Environments
The videos on this page represent the v0.4 dataset, not the v1.0 dataset.
In the Benchmark for Agents that Solve Almost-Lifelike Task (BASALT) competition, your task is to solve tasks based on human judgement, instead of pre-defined reward functions. The goal is to produce agents that are judged by real humans to be effective at solving a given task. This calls for training on human-feedback, whether it is training from demonstrations, training on human preferences or using humans to correct agents’ actions.

After spawning in a plains biome, explore and find a cave. When inside a cave, end the episode by setting the “ESC” action to 1.
You are not allowed to dig down from the surface to find a cave.
Starting Inventory
Dict({ })
Max Episode Steps
env = gym.make("MineRLBasaltFindCave-v0")

After spawning in a village, build an animal pen next to one of the houses in a village. Use your fence posts to build one animal pen that contains at least two of the same animal. (You are only allowed to pen chickens, cows, pigs, or sheep.) There should be at least one gate that allows players to enter and exit easily. The animal pen should not contain more than one type of animal. (You may kill any extra types of animals that accidentally got into the pen.)
Do not harm villagers or existing village structures in the process.
Send 1 for “ESC” key to end the episode.
Starting Inventory
Dict({ "carrot": 1, "oak_fence": 64, "oak_fence_gate": 64, "wheat": 1, "wheat_seeds": 1 })
Max Episode Steps
env = gym.make("MineRLBasaltCreateVillageAnimalPen-v0")

After spawning in an extreme hills biome, use your waterbucket to make a beautiful waterfall. Then take an aesthetic “picture” of it by moving to a good location, positioning player’s camera to have a nice view of the waterfall, and ending the episode by setting “ESC” action to 1.
Starting Inventory
Dict({ "cobblestone": 20, "stone_pickaxe": 1, "stone_shovel": 1, "water_bucket": 1 })
Max Episode Steps
env = gym.make("MineRLBasaltMakeWaterfall-v0")

Build a house in the style of the village without damaging the village. It should be in an appropriate location (e.g. next to the path through the village) Then, give a brief tour of the house (i.e. spin around slowly such that all of the walls and the roof are visible). Finally, end the episode by setting the “ESC” action to 1.
You can find detailed information on which materials are used in each biome-specific village (plains, savannah, taiga, desert) here: https://minecraft.wiki/w/Village/Structure/Blueprints
Starting Inventory
Dict({ "acacia_log": 64, "black_dye": 64, "blue_dye": 64, "brown_dye": 64, "cactus": 64, "cobblestone": 64, "cobweb": 64, "dirt": 64, "flower_pot": 64, "glass_pane": 64, "grass_block": 64, "green_dye": 64, "jungle_log": 64, "lantern": 64, "oak_log": 64, "packed_ice": 64, "poppy": 64, "red_dye": 64, "sand": 64, "sandstone": 64, "smooth_sandstone": 64, "snow_block": 64, "spruce_log": 64, "stone_axe": 1, "stone_pickaxe": 1, "terracotta": 64, "torch": 64, "white_dye": 64, "white_wool": 64, "yellow_dye": 64 })
Max Episode Steps
env = gym.make("MineRLBasaltBuildVillageHouse-v0")