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MineRL: Towards AI in Minecraft


Welcome to documentation for the MineRL project and its related repositories and components!

What is MineRL

MineRL is a research project started at Carnegie Mellon University aimed at developing various aspects of artificial intelligence within Minecraft. In short MineRL consists of several major components:

  • MineRL-v0 Dataset – One of the largest imitation learning datasets with over 60 million frames of recorded human player data. The dataset includes a set of environments which highlight many of the hardest problems in modern-day Reinforcement Learning: sparse rewards and hierarchical policies.

  • minerl – A rich python3 package for doing artificial intelligence research in Minecraft. This includes two major submodules. We develop minerl in our spare time, please consider supporting us on Patreon

    • minerl.env – A growing set of OpenAI Gym environments in Minecraft. These environments leverage a synchronous, stable, and fast fork of Microsoft Malmo called MineRLEnv.

    • – The main python module for ext with the MineRL-v0 dataset

Indices and tables